Awesome Features

Grocery HelpAR has a lot of features that help you guide through the grocery shopping process. Please read and find out more about the application!

  • Translation

    It automatically translates your shopping list into English when you make a list.

  • In Store Navigation

    It will calculate the optimal route for the shopping list and let you know where you need to go.

  • Recommendation Feature

    It provides the best solution when you are not sure which item is best for you.

iPhone mockup
  • Import List items from recipe

    You can search for recipes and import ingredients to the list.

  • Predetermine the list

    You can set your specific brand of the item to buy before going to the store.

  • AR Feature

    It translates the information and recommendation on to the screen in Augmented Reality.

How it Works

Short video about the Grocery HelpAR application.

App Screenshots

Enjoy the designs of Grocery HelpAR.

Try out the Prototype

Play with the Grocery HelpAR to gain a new shopping experience!

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